Osaka Gas Network Co., Ltd.Osaka Gas Network Co., Ltd.
Daigas Group The Osaka Gas Group has taken a new step forward as the Daigas Group.

Related Businesses

Gmooc ¦General Online Learning Course Services for Gas Business Operators

In the purpose of supporting education, we provide a distribution service that aggregates e-learning courses and video courses related to the gas business. This service can be used to help resolve the common issues faced by gas utilities, such as "human resource development" and "skill transferh. In addition, the service is equipped with a function to store videos and materials owned by the business, making it possible to centralize the education system. As of April 2024, approximately 60 companies have adopted the service, and we have received inquiries from overseas companies as well.

¦ GmoocFGas Massive open online course

educational platform

Emergency School

As a specialized education and training facility, the Emergency School was established to provide simulated training for trainees to experience emergency service sites.
Through simulated experiences at gas leak sites, trainees will learn how to act with the highest priority on customer safety.

  • Equipment based on our past responses and experiences, which can reproduce and allow trainees to safely learn how to respond to various gas leak sites
  • Facilities, including a residential building that imitates a condominium and a business building that imitates a multi-tenant building, to enable training in various simulated situations
  • Facilities that have cameras in various locations to monitor and record training sessions and deepen trainees’ understanding by watching training scenes
Training Session
Training Session
Appearance of Emergency School
Appearance of Emergency School
Dispatch Center of Emergency School
Dispatch Center of Emergency School

Hands-on Training

We have hands-on training facilities for trainees to learn how to prevent ignition accidents and serious occupational accidents.
These facilities enable trainees to know not only intellectually but also physically how an accident would be dreadful and to have a raised awareness about safety.

  • Facilities capable of reproducing example accidents that can lead to a serious disaster and allowing trainees to safely experience the impact they would encounter when an accident occurs
  • Equipment that can visualize and convey important information about accidents in an easy-to-understand manner, such as displaying on various instruments and representing leaked gas with smoke
Experiencing ignition caused by cutting
Experiencing ignition caused by cutting
Experiencing anoxia
Experiencing anoxia

Other Educational Services

For the operation of a city gas business, employee education is critical. Osaka Gas Network has a qualification program and educational facilities with hands-on training equipment and provides systematic education programs. This expertise and these education programs are available for city gas business operators. In addition, seminar equipment packed with expertise are also available for renting upon consultation.

  • Experienced engineers who have been involved in our on-site operations serve as trainers of the respective courses.
  • The courses are designed to be understandable from the viewpoint of trainees by harnessing our in-house know-how.
  • Improvements are made continuously based on questionnaire surveys of trainees (14,000 man-days/year).
LNG tank truck disaster prevention course
LNG tank truck disaster prevention course
Leakage repair method course
Leakage repair method course

Major educational facilities

Features of equipment
Hands-on training facilities Area Capacity Features of equipment
Training building 1200m2
15 people × 2 rooms
12 people × 6 rooms
  • Instructorfs PC
  • Ceiling-mounted projector
  • Wireless LAN
A Training building
Dirt area 684m2
50 people
  • Roofed area available for holding a seminar regardless of rainy weather
  • This area can be excavated.
  • Heavy equipment can be used.
B Dirt area
Fire extinguishing training equipment 540m2
20 people
  • Ignited leaking gas is extinguished.
C Fire extinguishing training equipment
Hands-on training area for pipeline construction 2040m2
30 people
  • Roofed area available for holding a seminar regardless of rainy weather
  • Heavy equipment can be used.
D Hands-on training area for pipeline construction
Trunk line training facility 130m2
15 people
  • Governor operation training available
E Trunk line training facility
Locator training room 2040m2
15 people
  • Burying of a locating wire
  • Hands-on training available on underground leak investigation
F Locator training room
Polyethylene (PE) pipe training room 1FF213m2
28 people
  • Fusion joining training available indoors for PE pipes
G Polyethylene (PE) pipe training room
Governor and valve training room 255m2
15 people
  • Governor operation training available
H Governor and valve training room

Location of Technical Skill Development Center

Map of Technical Skill Development Center
Map of Technical Skill Development Center