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Switching to city gas

At present, I use propane gas. The city gas service has become available in the vicinity of my home. When will propane gas be switched to city gas at my home?

We will check the details, and the department in charge will give a reply.
Call the Gas Pipeline Helpline (Mon.–Sat.: 9:00 to 19:00; Sun. and holidays: 9:00 to 17:00).

The link below provides details about switching to city gas.
For customers who are studying the possibility of switching to city gas

Is it difficult to switch to city gas?
Construction work on the premises (construction of gas pipes, replacement of parts of existing gas appliances or installation of new gas appliances) is completed in almost one day. If you have propane gas appliances, they can be used for city gas only by replacing some parts with those for city gas. (However, if the manufacturer does not have the parts, you need to purchase new gas appliances for city gas.)
How long is the construction period?

(1) When there is a lead-in pipe on the premises
We perform construction work on the premises (construction of gas pipes, replacement of parts of existing gas appliances or installation of new gas appliances) in almost one day.

(2) When the lead-in pipe is not in place on the premises
Construction of a lead-in pipe requires us to follow procedures, such as application to the road administrator, after conclusion of a contract. It takes about two months to follow the procedures. After completion of the construction procedures, we construct a lead-in pipe and perform construction work on the premises (construction of gas pipes, replacement of parts of existing gas appliances or installation of new gas appliances) in almost one day.
(* If the city gas pipeline has not been built on the road in front of the home, gas construction is required on the road separately. After the construction procedures are completed, construction work is performed at a pace of about 10 m to 20 m per day.)

Will the road become inaccessible by vehicles during gas construction on the road?
Basically, gas construction work on the road is performed between 9:00 in the morning to 17:00 in the evening. The excavated area is backfilled outside the construction hours, so the road is accessible. We make arrangements to ensure accessibility of the road as much as possible even during construction.
What if the surface on the premises is paved with concrete, etc.?
We will excavate the area where gas pipes must be buried if it is paved with concrete, etc. We will pave the excavated area after construction is completed.
Is it necessary to replace propane gas appliances that are currently being used?
If you have propane gas appliances, they can be used for city gas only by replacing some parts with those for city gas. (However, if the manufacturer does not have the parts, you need to purchase new appliances for city gas.)
Is it possible to use the propane gas pipes on the premises as is?
They can be used as is if they meet the standards for gas pipes for city gas.
However, the diameter of city gas pipes is different from that for propane gas. Thus, construction of pipes for city gas is often required.
How much money will I save on my gas bill by switching from propane gas?
It is difficult to make a general comparison because unregulated charges apply to propane gas. We can make a comparison with a city gas bill if you let us know the current consumption and propane gas bill. Contact us via the inquiry form.