Osaka Gas Network Co., Ltd.Osaka Gas Network Co., Ltd.
Daigas Group The Osaka Gas Group has taken a new step forward as the Daigas Group.


Contact information

What is the phone number of the customer center (call center)?

Different information desks are available depending on the inquiry. Check the following before making an inquiry.
For inquiries about a gas leak, call the Gas Leak Emergency Number below.
Gas Leak Emergency Number

For inquiries about unavailability of gas and gas construction, call the Gas Pipeline Helpline below.
Call the Gas Pipeline Helpline (Mon.–Sat.: 9:00 to 19:00; Sun. and holidays: 9:00 to 17:00).
¦ During new year holiday seasoni12/30~1/3j, 9:00`17:00.

For inquiries about the contract (e.g., commencement or suspension of gas use), contact a gas retailer with which you wish to conclude a contract or the gas retailer with which you concluded a contract.
Click/tap here for the list of gas retailers (website of the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry).

A “Usage status confirmation form” was posted in my mailbox while I was absent from home. Who should I contact?
For inquiries about the “Usage status confirmation form,” contact us via the inquiry form.
Inquiry form