Osaka Gas Network Co., Ltd.Osaka Gas Network Co., Ltd.
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Survey of gas equipment

I received a notice titled “Information about a statutory survey of gas equipment [Notice of the visit date and requests].” What kind of survey is it?

The survey is conducted every four years in accordance with the Gas Business Act.
The survey aims to conduct an inspection for a gas leak from gas equipment and a survey of the air-intake and flue ventilation system (bathroom gas water heater and gas water heater) at customers’ homes. This is an important survey to ensure secure and safe use of gas. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

  • The survey is undertaken by Osaka Gas Customer Relations Co., Ltd. Qualified personnel visit customers’ homes.
  • If the date and time of the scheduled visit indicated on the notice is not convenient, you can reschedule the visit. Follow the procedures from the link below.
    Application for rescheduling of a visit for the gas equipment survey
Is it required to have the survey (statutory gas equipment survey) conducted?

Customers are not legally required to have the survey conducted, but this is an important survey to ensure secure and safe use of gas. Make sure to have the survey conducted. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

  • Gas suppliers are required under the Gas Business Act to conduct the statutory gas equipment survey every four years free of charge.
  • The survey is undertaken by Osaka Gas Customer Relations Co., Ltd. Qualified personnel visit customers’ homes. The survey takes 10 to 30 minutes.
  • If the date and time of the scheduled visit indicated on the notice is not convenient, you can reschedule the visit. Follow the procedures from the link below.
    Application for rescheduling of a visit for the gas equipment survey
  • The date which can be specified on our website is up to 30 days after the application date. To reschedule a visit over 30 days after the application date, call the Gas Equipment Survey Rescheduling Number.
    (Mon.–Sat.) 9:00 to 19:00; (Sun. and holidays) 9:00 to 17:00*1
    *1 During new year holiday season(12/30~1/3), 9:00〜17:00
Is it possible to specify the time for a statutory gas equipment survey?

You can choose from the following time slots.
・ 9:00 to 12:00
・13:00 to 15:00
・15:00 to 17:00

  • You may not be able to specify the desired time slot depending on the application status (e.g., the time slot is fully booked). We appreciate your understanding.
  • You can apply on our website until 17:00 on the day before your desired visit date. Have the notice “Information about a statutory survey of gas equipment” ready and follow the procedures from the link below.
    Rescheduling of the gas equipment survey
Is it possible to change the scheduled date for the gas equipment survey?
Yes, we accept requests for rescheduling of a visit on our website. Follow the procedures from the link below.
Application for rescheduling of a visit for the gas equipment survey
Where can I find the “meter number,” which is required to reschedule the visit for the gas equipment survey (periodic safety patrol) on the website?
It is indicated on the “Notice of the visit date” or “Notice of absence” for the gas equipment survey (periodic safety patrol). Enter the meter number (up to the fourth digit from the left) indicated on the notice.
If you do not have the “Notice of the visit date” or “Notice of absence” and the meter number is unknown, call the Gas Pipeline Helpline.
Call the Gas Pipeline Helpline(Mon.–Sat.: 9:00 to 19:00; Sun. and holidays: 9:00 to 17:00).
Until when can I apply for rescheduling of a statutory gas equipment survey on the website?
You can apply on our website until 17:00 on the day before your desired visit date. Your application may not be accepted depending on the application status (e.g., fully booked on the desired date you specified). We appreciate your understanding.
To apply for the gas equipment survey on our website, have the notice “Information about a statutory survey of gas equipment” ready and follow the procedures from the link below.
Rescheduling of the gas equipment survey
I found a “Notice of the revisit date and requests” for the gas equipment survey in my mailbox. What should I do?
We will revisit for the gas equipment survey on the date indicated on the notice. We appreciate your cooperation.
If the date indicated on the notice is not convenient, you can reschedule the revisit. Apply on our website.
Application for rescheduling of the revisit for the gas equipment survey
The gas equipment survey is statutory. Make sure to have the survey conducted so that you can use gas securely and safely.
Even if the gas retailer inspected gas equipments, as mentioned above, the gas pipeline service provider must inspect gas pipe for gas leaks too.
How long does the survey take?
It depends on the status of gas equipment, etc. of customers. The survey takes about 10 to 15 minutes.
Are operators who conduct the gas equipment survey employed by Osaka Gas? Do they have employee IDs?
The statutory gas equipment survey is undertaken by Osaka Gas Customer Relations Co., Ltd. Operators are qualified personnel and carry IDs with them.
After the gas equipment survey, I was asked to affix my signature on a device. This made me anxious. Should I affix my signature?
Customers are requested to affix their signature as a proof that the survey staff informed customers of the survey results and raised awareness on the safe use of gas. Signatures are strictly managed so that they are not used for other purposes.
I have just had gas appliances inspected by a local service shop. Is it necessary to have the gas equipment survey conducted by Osaka Gas?

The gas equipment survey refers to an inspection for a gas leak and a survey of the air-intake and flue ventilation system (bathroom gas water heater and gas water heater). It is conducted every four years in accordance with the Gas Business Act.
Service shops conduct inspections as their unique service to mainly check the status of gas appliances. The content of these inspections is different from that of the statutory gas equipment survey.
You are requested to have the gas equipment survey conducted, even if an inspection was conducted by your local service shop, so that you can use gas securely and safely.

An inspection was conducted when I had the gas valve opened the other day. Is it necessary to have the gas equipment survey conducted?
In the gas equipment survey, we conduct an inspection for a gas leak and a survey of the air-intake and flue ventilation system (bathroom gas water heater and gas water heater). It is conducted every four years in accordance with the Gas Business Act.
The content and purpose are different from those of the inspection conducted at the commencement of gas use. You are requested to have the survey conducted to ensure the safe use of gas.
The operation of gas equipment was checked when I had the meter replaced the other day. Is it necessary to have the gas equipment survey conducted as informed by the notice?
In the gas equipment survey, we conduct an inspection for a gas leak and a survey of the air-intake and flue ventilation system (bathroom gas water heater and gas water heater). It is conducted every four years in accordance with the Gas Business Act.
The content and purpose of the survey are different from the operation check which is conducted when a gas meter is replaced. We appreciate your cooperation in the survey.
What measures does Osaka Gas Network Company implement against COVID-19 for the statutory gas equipment survey?
The statutory gas equipment survey, which is conducted every four years, is undertaken by Osaka Gas Customer Relations Co., Ltd. The partner company, which undertakes the operations to visit customers’ homes, implements measures to prevent infection. It manages the physical condition of its staff by taking their temperature when they come to the office. The staff gargle, wash their hands, wear a mask, etc. and use a portable antiseptic solution, etc. when making a visit to prevent infection.
The gas equipment survey is important to ensure that customers can use gas securely and safely. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Is it required to have a statutory gas equipment survey conducted at a home where gas is not used?
If you have already moved out and the gas distribution has been turned off, the survey is unnecessary.However, if you are usually not at home but the gas distribution continues, it is necessary to have the survey conducted.
I have a contract with a different gas company, but I received a notice about a gas equipment survey from Osaka Gas Network.Why?

Because the gas equipment survey, which is related to the gas leak inspection of gas pipes, is conducted by Osaka Gas Network, the gas pipeline operator, regardless of the gas retailer with which you have a contract.

The survey is conducted in accordance with the Gas Business Act.This is an important survey to ensure the secure and safe use of gas. Please make sure to have the survey conducted. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Even if the gas retailer inspected gas equipments, as mentioned above, the gas pipeline service provider must inspect gas pipe for gas leaks too.